Tuesday, September 27, 2005

The Chinese Art of Acupuncture

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Acupuncture, the medicinal art of ancient China, is now
considered an alternative medicine. However, there is scope
for a great deal of research to scientifically prove some of
the positive effects acupuncture has on the patients. People
who get cured by acupuncture treatments often swear by the
benefits of receiving sessions. They are absolutely sure
that it works.

Acupuncture involves positioning long, thin needles on
various points on the body. There are different techniques
to the insertion of the needles, including care for the
angles at which they are inserted, different types of
needles (there are nine, but most practitioners only use
six types of the needles), and various ways to twirl or
vibrate the needles.The needles are placed on the body
depending upon the ailment of the patient. Acupuncturists
believe that the body has different energy channels that
help in the efficient and proper functioning of the body.
Precise placement of the needles draws energy to the needed
areas and makes way for positive energy flow. This is what
adherents profess gives the health benefits.

Those who practice and those who receive acupuncture point
to a variety of positive health benefits associated with
the expert placement of the needles. When placed in the
proper places, acupuncture needles are said to help cure
nearly any ailment from chronic pain to diabetes to
cellulite. Cancer patients report that acupuncture helps
them deal with their disease by helping them achieve calm
and by helping them feel more energetic after cancer
treatments. Additionally, relief of the pain associated
with the progression of the cancer is felt. Similar results
are said to be felt by HIV/AIDS patients.

Acupuncture helps to maintain good health. It reduces
anxiety and stress and raises your energy level. People who
use this treatment claim that they feel calmer and happier.
They also feel less worried and anxious. Acupuncture helps
achieve mental alertness and emotional stability. It is a
great preventive against diseases of all kinds because
regular treatments keep the body in proper working order.
Since the underlying principle of acupuncture is to remove
any hurdles in the flow of positive energy in the body, it
is easy to understand how it works as a preventive.

You can maintain your health and sense of well being by
choosing acupuncture. There is researched evidence of the
positive effects of acupuncture on the health of patients.
However, most physicians and scientists recommend the use of
more traditional methods of medicine for treating

Trisha Agopu is the proprietor and supervisor of
All about Acupuncture Inc. which is
a comprehensive site containing replies to queries
and content related to acupuncture. For questions or
comments about this document, please visit:

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